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English translation for "integrated circuit technique"


Related Translations:
integrate:  vt.1.使成整体,使并入,使一体化,使结合起来。2.〔英国〕取消(学校的)种族隔离,使(黑人等)不受歧视。3.表示(面积、温度等的)总和。4.【数学】求…的积分。短语和例子integrate theory with practice 理论联系实际。vi.与…结合起来,成一体 (with)。 A integrates with B.A 与B结合起来,AB成为一体。adj.完
integrating element:  积分环节积分元件
integrating camera:  试样周转衍射用照相机
integrated discrimination:  积分鉴别器
integrating remark:  整合反应
integrate circuit:  集成电路
integrated drainage:  合并水系合成水系
integrated modem:  集成灯解调集成调制解调器
integrated semiconductor:  积分电路
integrated laboratories:  综合实验楼
Example Sentences:
1.Study of the silicon carbide integrate circuits technique
2.In these equipments , the motor driver should provide high performance , small size , and low cost . it is a good solution to integrate the motor driver system . the techniques of integrate the motor driver system is the combination of power electronic techniques with micro - electronics techniques ( integrate the motor driver system by power integrated circuit techniques or by packaging techniques )
3.With the technique , the new production provide advanced performance , smaller size , and reduced cost in this paper , the present status of motor control techniques , the present status of micro - electronics techniques , and the present status of integrated circuit techniques are reviewed . present some samples of ac motor driver ( dsp motor controllers , microprocessor controllers , motor control 1c controllers ) . compare the performances of these ac motor drivers with each other
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